Will parking availability be increased?
Parking is always an issue with any new development. As can be seen from the concept, parking is considered but nothing comes for free. TAFE, NSW Health and CVC are working together to plan for the 'next stage' of parking. An extension is expected in the next year but it still requires some discussion.
In the meantime, there is flat, unformalise, parking available behind the TAFE. This will cater for the short peak periods experienced across the precinct.
One of the challenges in the discussion, is making sure the new road arrangements will suit the future development. It would be a bad outcome if the work done now would need to be changed, due to future improvements. There also needs to be community input noted and added to the design features - it is a challenging mix.
How will pedestrian access through the site be affected?
When is the Yamba Community Precinct happening?
If a grant to redevelop the Community Centre were successful, what would happen to existing groups and service providers using Treelands Drive Community Centre?
Appropriate alternative venue space will be provided at either Wooli Street Hall and/or surrounding venues, so no groups will be interrupted. The cost of this inconvenience will be at Council's expense.
What TAFE NSW courses will be available to study?
TAFE NSW will determine what courses will be offered at Yamba. However, First Aid, Early Childhood and Aged Care are strong possibilities. For more information please contact TAFE NSW North Coast on 131 601.
How will the privacy of residents on boundaries of the Precinct be addressed?
How long will the construction of TAFE NSW's Connected Learning Centre take?