Update: 26/3/2025
The current Community Strategic Plan: The Clarence 2032 is under review. Considered at the Council meeting held on 20th March 2025, the new draft Community Strategic Plan: The Clarence 2036(External link) is now on public exhibition until 4pm Wednesday 23 April 2025.
The Clarence Valley Community Strategic Plan; The Clarence 2036 describes how we will achieve the vision for the Clarence Valley, in line with our community's goals, priorities and aspirations for the next 10 years.
It is the highest- level plan that Council will prepare under the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework and sets the direction for all Council's activities, identifying key challenges and risks, and linking the community's priorities to strategies that Council will deliver.
These strategies inform the development of the 4-year Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan, ensuring that Council's actions are directly aligned with achieving the community's aspirations.
Have your say by selecting the "Make a submission" button below or by attending one of the in-person locations.
Submissions close 4pm Wednesday 23 April 2025.
Background information below...
The current Community Strategic Plan was developed in 2022 in consultation with the community. With a newly elected Council in September 2024, an updated Community Strategic Plan will provide a clear direction that reflects any new and emerging aspirations of the community.
What are your aspirations for the future of the Clarence Valley?
Complete the survey below [5 min] and share your priorities for the future of the Clarence Valley. Input from this survey, and from feedback across the Valley, will inform an update to the Community Strategic Plan, The Clarence 2032.
Why do we have the Community Strategic Plan?
The Community Strategic Plan, The Clarence 2032, is a ten-year plan that informs all other plans and policies of Council. It is part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework that guides the way local government plans, documents and reports its future strategies. For more information visit IP&R Framework(External link).
CVC Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework:
The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework guides the way local government plans, documents and reports its future strategies.
This engagement will close Tuesday 15th October 2024