Maclean Riverside

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Consultation has concluded

Draft Maclean Riverside Precinct Plan

You've enthusiastically provided feedback on the Draft Maclean Riverside Precinct Plan and your input is valued. All submissions will be reviewed and considered in the development of the final Plan. It is envisaged the Final Maclean Riverside Precint Plan will be presented to the February meeting of Council.

Draft Maclean Riverside Precinct Plan

You've enthusiastically provided feedback on the Draft Maclean Riverside Precinct Plan and your input is valued. All submissions will be reviewed and considered in the development of the final Plan. It is envisaged the Final Maclean Riverside Precint Plan will be presented to the February meeting of Council.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the following and have your say about the Draft Maclean Riverside Precinct Plan. Please note that any submission you make including any personal information in it, may be made publicly available and may be included in Council's business paper and on its website.

    Consultation has concluded
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