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Consultation has concluded
At its meeting on October 18, 2016, Council voted to seek public comment on whether it should apply for a special rate rise that would replace the current one-off rise of 6.5% with a permanent rise of about 9% (being the 6.5% approved SRV from 2016/17 plus estimated rate peg of 2.5%).
If applied for and approved it would result in about a 4.3% increase in the base amount and ordinary rate on most current rates notices. It would not apply to annual domestic waste collection services, water or sewer charges or on-site effluent management charges. Further increases would be in line with the rate pegged limit.
No decision has been made to apply for the rate rise. That will only occur after getting the views of the community.
You can have your say on this page.
At its meeting on October 18, 2016, Council voted to seek public comment on whether it should apply for a special rate rise that would replace the current one-off rise of 6.5% with a permanent rise of about 9% (being the 6.5% approved SRV from 2016/17 plus estimated rate peg of 2.5%).
If applied for and approved it would result in about a 4.3% increase in the base amount and ordinary rate on most current rates notices. It would not apply to annual domestic waste collection services, water or sewer charges or on-site effluent management charges. Further increases would be in line with the rate pegged limit.
No decision has been made to apply for the rate rise. That will only occur after getting the views of the community.
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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded. Council has voted against seeking a Special Rate Variation for the 2017/18 financial year. Council thanks you for your comments.
The Clarence Valley Council is seeking the views of the
community on a proposal that could result in an increase in the ordinary rate of about 4.3% above 2016/17
levels. The current 6.5% Special Rate Variation (SRV) expires on June 30, 2017.
The proposal Council is considering is to apply for a 9% SRV starting July 1,
2017, which, if approved, would allow Council to retain the one-off 6.5% plus
levy an estimated rate peg increase of 2.5% for 2017/18. This 9% SRV would be
retained permanently in Council’s rate income.
If Council
does not make application for an SRV, Council’s general rate income for 2017/18
will fall by about $588,000, which equates to an average 2.3% reduction in the
general rate for ratepayers.
What options do you believe are available to Council to help improve its long-term financial position and help it reach the NSW Government's Fit for the Future benchmarks?
Life Cycle
Your Say On Rates is currently at this stage
This consultation is closed for contributions.
Final outcome
this is an upcoming stage for Your Say On Rates
Consultations around a possible Special Rate Variation have concluded. At an extraordinary meeting of council on Wednesday, November 30, councillors voted against seeking a special rate variation for the 2017/18 financial year.