Pippi Beach Pathway, Parking and Intersection Upgrades

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Consultation has now closed on this project. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback.

Have your say on proposed road safety and accessibility upgrades at Pippi Beach.

We've recently installed a new boardwalk linking Convent Beach to Pippi Beach, and it's great to see so many people enjoying it. Now, we're entering stage two and invite your input on a concept design focusing on CWA William Ager Memorial Park and the road down to Pippi Beach.

Key issues:

A. No safe crossing point across Ocean Street, informal parking is impacting pedestrian and motorist sightlines.

B. No safe and accessible connection between

Consultation has now closed on this project. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback.

Have your say on proposed road safety and accessibility upgrades at Pippi Beach.

We've recently installed a new boardwalk linking Convent Beach to Pippi Beach, and it's great to see so many people enjoying it. Now, we're entering stage two and invite your input on a concept design focusing on CWA William Ager Memorial Park and the road down to Pippi Beach.

Key issues:

A. No safe crossing point across Ocean Street, informal parking is impacting pedestrian and motorist sightlines.

B. No safe and accessible connection between the Clarence Street footpath and Pippi Beach.

C. On the hill:

  • Risk to pedestrian safety due to the narrow road section when walking up and down the road between Clarence Street and Pacific Parade.
  • Motorists speeding down the hill alongside pedestrians and cyclists.

D. Confusion at the Clarence Street/Prince Street intersection regarding right-of-way.

To improve access and safety the concept design proposes:

  1. A safe crossing on Clarence Street across Ocean Street, improving sightlines for motorists and pedestrians.

  2. Formalising parking all around CWA William Ager Memorial Park and providing an accessible parking space with direct boardwalk access.

  3. A new accessible pathway connecting the existing Clarence Street pathway to the boardwalk, allowing wheelchair and pram access.

  4. A more direct pathway to the stairs, not accessible for everyone.

  5. Changing priority and implementing traffic calming at the Clarence Street/Prince Street intersection, ensuring safety without changing traffic flow (It is not expected that this will result in more traffic going down Prince Street). Those familiar with the area will continue turning left into Pacific Parade, and visitors can easily see the beach and should also turn left when going down the hill. Additional signage can be installed to direct traffic down the hill.

To view the concept plan, click HERE. To share your feedback, click here. Please provide your input by February 23, 2024

Page last updated: 13 Jun 2024, 02:38 PM