Glenreagh Main Street Upgrade

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Connecting Glenreagh: Coramba Street Upgrade

We’re revisiting plans to upgrade Coramba Street in Glenreagh. Although community consultation has taken place before, we now have resources to move forward with the design phase and want to ensure the project reflects the latest needs of residents, businesses, and visitors.

Design funding has been allocated for this financial year. Construction funding has not yet been allocated, but having a finalised and costed design will improve the project’s chances of securing future budget or grant funding.

Project Goals

After our initial consultation, we understand the community wants to:

  • Enhance accessibility and safety for everyone walking, biking, or using wheelchairs/mobility aids.
  • Strengthen connections to the school and other key locations.
  • Upgrade bus stops to be safer and more convenient.
  • Formalise some parking.
  • Improve drainage along Coramba Street.

Our Active Transport Strategy 2024-2044 identifies the need for a pathway on Coramba Street from Tallawudjah Creek Road to the school on the western side of the road. Additionally, we plan to formalise bus stops and install safe crossing points, and we’d appreciate your suggestions on their locations.

The first round of community consultation is now closed. Thank you for all your feedback.

What’s Next?

After gathering feedback, the project team will develop a concept plan, which will be shared here, for further community input.

Proposed Timeline:

  • November 2024: Community consultation.
  • December 2024 - February 2025: Review feedback and develop concept design.
  • March 2025: Community feedback on the concept design.
  • March - June 2025: Review feedback and develop detailed design.

Connecting Glenreagh: Coramba Street Upgrade

We’re revisiting plans to upgrade Coramba Street in Glenreagh. Although community consultation has taken place before, we now have resources to move forward with the design phase and want to ensure the project reflects the latest needs of residents, businesses, and visitors.

Design funding has been allocated for this financial year. Construction funding has not yet been allocated, but having a finalised and costed design will improve the project’s chances of securing future budget or grant funding.

Project Goals

After our initial consultation, we understand the community wants to:

  • Enhance accessibility and safety for everyone walking, biking, or using wheelchairs/mobility aids.
  • Strengthen connections to the school and other key locations.
  • Upgrade bus stops to be safer and more convenient.
  • Formalise some parking.
  • Improve drainage along Coramba Street.

Our Active Transport Strategy 2024-2044 identifies the need for a pathway on Coramba Street from Tallawudjah Creek Road to the school on the western side of the road. Additionally, we plan to formalise bus stops and install safe crossing points, and we’d appreciate your suggestions on their locations.

The first round of community consultation is now closed. Thank you for all your feedback.

What’s Next?

After gathering feedback, the project team will develop a concept plan, which will be shared here, for further community input.

Proposed Timeline:

  • November 2024: Community consultation.
  • December 2024 - February 2025: Review feedback and develop concept design.
  • March 2025: Community feedback on the concept design.
  • March - June 2025: Review feedback and develop detailed design.
  • Take Survey
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Page last updated: 28 Nov 2024, 08:53 AM