Council is currently reviewing its domestic waste collection contract which will expire in 2023. Part of this review involves exploring the option to extend the food and garden organics waste service (green bin) to rural areas that currently only receive a two bin (red and yellow) service.
What does the organics greenwaste service provide? The green bin service (240L) provides a weekly collection of organic material including all food waste (meat, bones, seafood, bread, fruit veg etc.) and garden waste.
What does the greenwaste service cost? The current cost (2021/22) of a three bin service (red, yellow and green) isContinue reading
Council is currently reviewing its domestic waste collection contract which will expire in 2023. Part of this review involves exploring the option to extend the food and garden organics waste service (green bin) to rural areas that currently only receive a two bin (red and yellow) service.
What does the organics greenwaste service provide? The green bin service (240L) provides a weekly collection of organic material including all food waste (meat, bones, seafood, bread, fruit veg etc.) and garden waste.
What does the greenwaste service cost? The current cost (2021/22) of a three bin service (red, yellow and green) is $350 per annum, an additional $63 pa compared to your current two bin domestic waste charge of $287.
If the organics service was extended does everyone have to pay for the service if they want it or not? If there was strong support for the organics service in an area and the service was extended, then everyone in the new organics collection area would be required to pay the three bin charge.
At this stage Council is seeking feedback from rural householders if they would support the extension of the service. This would be under a new domestic waste collection contract which would commence in July 2023.
Results of this review will be used to determine if the organics waste area could be expanded to all rural areas or potentially just some rural areas that wish to receive the service. It is anticipated that Council will require strong support for the service to justify the expansion, however Council may consider expansion to specific locations that have demonstrated support.
In order to register your preference or comments, please complete our survey below. If you have an idea you'd like to share, please share.
Thank you for participating in our recent survey on the possible expansion of the organics service to rural properties. Your feedback has been valuable in determining the outcome.
- 90% of respondents voted NO to the expansion of the organics service to rural areas.
- 10% of respondents voted YES to the expansion of the organics service to rural areas.
Based on this result, Council will not be introducing the organics service to rural properties. However, in areas where we received a high number of requests for the service, Council will investigate the feasibility of providing the service to those properties.