Coldstream Street Infrastructure Artwork designs
Public Art tells the stories of our community and who we are. It is a way of sharing the stories of our region with visitors. Artworks created in collaboration with community build civic pride and help to make a place liveable. The Yamba CID project celebrates our love for our natural environment, our unique bird life, our waterways. The project will share our stories, heritage and culture. Artworks will be reproduced on adhesive vinyl and used to enhance public infrastructure in the Yamba CBD such as an NBN transformer.
We are seeking a number of artists to provide artworks for this project.
- $1,000 for the designs that are used for the final artwork, payable via invoice on receipt of final artwork design.
The proposed artwork should relate to the theme Yamba Birdsong: A Celebration of Yamba's Natural beauty and be an artistic interpretation of the hero statement:
Hero Statement: Yamba Bird Song represents the natural environmental beauty of Yamba and invites this narrative into the Yamba CBD through a celebration of community, creativity, and connection, bringing together residents, local businesses, and visitors in a joyful atmosphere. The statement reflects the spirit of Yamba's Natural Beauty.
- The artwork should relate to the theme as identified by community during extensive consultation around the Yamba CID project
- The chosen designs will be reproduced on vinyl and adhered public infrastructure items in the Yamba CBD
- Specifications will be provided to selected artists
- Collaborations between artists are welcome
- Artwork design can be colour or black and white.
- Final artwork design will need to be provided in digital form (JPEG) as a printable file or A3 hard copy that can be scanned.
- Successful artists will need to provide an Artist Statement - including why the design is important to Yamba.
- Artworks should be original designs. Photographs will not be used for this part of the project
- This expression of interest closes Sunday 30 March 2024
- Artists will be selected by the project team, notified and supplied with the specifications in the first week of April.
- Artwork design will need to be supplied according to specifications by the agreed deadline (Monday 28th April TBC)
- Design will be digitized and reproduced on vinyl.
- Design may need to be modified to surface area and details.