What is a Community Strategic Plan?
A Community Strategic Plan, or CSP, sets out the long-term vision for communities across New South Wales. They show where a community wants to be in 10 years and are developed after wide consultation. Planning decisions are made based on what is contained in the CSP.
Although development is supported by councils, they are effectively community documents.
Groups responsible to implement the CSP include, where relevant, the local Council, the community, other government agencies and non-government organisations and partnerships between these groups.
The CSP is reviewed every four years.
Whose plan is it?
Council is responsible for developing the plan, but this is your plan, the community's plan. It will be built around what the community has told us it wants. Future decisions will be made based on what is contained in the plan.
How can I get involved?
There is a range of ways to get involved. The first is to take the two surveys on this website. You can also make a written submission to council@clarence.nsw.gov.au, or write to Clarence Valley Council, Locked Bag 23, Grafton, NSW, 2460.
There will also be community meetings and pop-up information stalls (dates and times are available under the key dates section on this page.)
We also encourage community groups to have their say, so if you're a member of a community organisation, pass the word around and get people to share their vision.
How can I get feedback?
People can keep informed by clicking on "subscribe" from the front of this page.
Will all public suggestions be adopted into the CSP?
The simplest answer is - it depends... on available money, available human resources and how many other people in the community agree with the suggestion.
It's fair to say that a large proportion of suggestions will be included - but some suggestions are likely to be beyond the capabilities of Council, other levels of government, or the community to deliver.
However, that should not stop people making suggestions. Much of the Community Strategic Plan is aspirational, and if enough members of the community share those aspirations they should be included in the plan.
Our Community Strategic Plan is only three years old. Why is it being reviewed?
The Clarence Valley's existing Community Strategic Plan, called Our Community Plan, was adopted in 2014. The New South Wales Government requires councils to review their CSPs soon after they are elected.
What topics should the Community Strategic Plan cover?
The Clarence Valley's Community Strategic Plan will cover five themes: Society, Infrastructure, Economy, Environment and Leadership. The plan can cover any issues that fall within those themes.
How can we measure our progress against the plan?
A report is prepared at the end of each term of Council? The last report is available here.
How are measures identified in the Community Strategic Plan implemented?
Although Council is responsible for developing the Community Strategic Plan, it is not responsible for everything it might contain. Some of the issues identified in the plan might be the responsibility of other levels of government. Some of them might be the responsibility of community groups and some might be the responsibility of individuals.
Many issues, however, will be the responsibility of Council. All decisions made by Council relate back to and reference the plan.
Can I ask Council for assistance, services or request repairs from this survey site?
No. If you have a request for repairs or a service from council, you should email here.